



NYMAGIC to be Acquired by ProSight Specialty Insurance

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Boeing Announces Agreement to Acquire Argon ST

-- Acquisition advances Boeing's strategy for growth in C4ISR, cyber and intelligence markets

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Law Offices of Howard G. Smith Announces Investigation on Behalf of Shareholders of Somanetics Corporation

BENSALEM, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Law Offices of Howard G. Smith announces that it is investigating potential claims against the board of directors of Somanetics Corporation (“Somanetics” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:SMTS) related to the Company’s agreement to be acquired by Covidien plc (“Covidien”). The proposed transaction is valued at approximately $250 million.

Under the terms of the definitive merger agreement entered into by the parties, a wholly owned subsidiary of Covidien will commence a tender offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of Somanetics for $25.00 per share in cash, followed by a second-step merger. The proposed transaction is expected to be completed by July 31, 2010. In connection with the tender offer, all of the directors and executive officers of Somanetics have agreed to tender their shares into the offer. The investigation concerns possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law related to approval of the transaction by Somanetics’ board of directors.

If you own shares of Somanetics, if you have information or would like to learn more about these claims, or if you wish to discuss these matters or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests with respect to these matters, please contact Howard G. Smith, Esquire, of Law Offices of Howard G. Smith, 3070 Bristol Pike, Suite 112, Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020 by telephone at (215) 638-4847, Toll Free at (888) 638-4847, or by email to howardsmith@howardsmithlaw.com, or visit our website at http://www.howardsmithlaw.com.

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Fitch Affirms Covidien at 'A' on Proposed Acquisition of ev3 Inc.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fitch Ratings has affirmed Covidien plc's (Covidien) ratings as follows:

--Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'A';

--Short-term IDR at 'F1';

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SonicWALL Enters into Merger Agreement with Thoma Bravo and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan


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陳樹菊(1951年-),是台灣台東中央市場女菜販。美國《時代》雜誌將其選入2010年最具影響力時代百大人物之「英雄」項目第八位。 她也是早先《富比世》雜誌所選出的2010年48位亞洲慈善英雄人物之一。陳樹菊多年來共捐出了近1000萬新台幣來作為慈善用途,包括幫助兒童和孤兒,以及建立圖書館等。時代雜誌的引薦文章是由導演李安所寫。


陳樹菊在就讀台東市仁愛國小小學六年級時因為家貧,一家八口都賴父親賣菜為生,母親難產沒有錢繳保證金,無法獲得醫治,雖然經仁愛國小發起樂捐得以住進醫院,但已無法挽回而過世。於是陳樹菊開始賣菜  ,三弟1969年間,患流行性感冒,亦經仁愛國小發起樂捐得以住進醫院,但仍病故 。陳樹菊挑起養家責任,讓哥哥讀完大學 ,將弟妹拉拔長大,本人卻至今未婚 。二弟後來也因車禍死亡。回首坎坷往事,她滿腹心酸,將時間全部投入工作。她曾經非常痛恨社會的現實,後來她皈依台東市海山寺,藉著信仰的力量放下仇恨 。多年賣菜,陳樹菊已經買了房子,但本人生活卻仍非常刻苦,每天生活費不到100元。卻將大多數的存款捐助弱勢,只因為自己以前也被別人幫助過。陳樹菊:『(原音)因為以前被母校的學弟學妹幫忙過,就想說有一天要是能夠回饋給學校,這樣而已,等了4、50年,今天人家幫助我,有一天我也能幫助別人,這樣的想法而已。』身為佛教徒的她吃素,平時省吃儉用,卻很樂意捐款,曾被父親質疑。父親在1993年病逝後,陳樹菊曾捐100萬元給佛光學院。1997年間又捐款新台幣100萬元給母校仁愛國小成立急難救助獎學金,回饋多年前受到的幫助。 她自幼失學,又在2005年又捐了新台幣450萬元給仁愛國小蓋圖書館。十年來,陳樹菊還在基督教「阿尼色弗兒童之家」 認養三名孤兒院童,每年捐新台幣三萬六千元,另外又曾捐給阿尼色弗100萬元。她目前的目標是存1000萬元成立基金會,讓窮人吃飯、看醫生。 陳樹菊認為「錢,要給需要的人才有用」。



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May 25, 2010, 8:34 p.m. EDT 

Kearny Financial Corp. and Central Jersey Bancorp Announce Execution of Merger Agreement

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Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Live)




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合理價格約10 到 10.37之間

Law Offices of Howard G. Smith Announces Investigation on Behalf of Shareholders of Double-Take Software, Inc.

BENSALEM, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Law Offices of Howard G. Smith announces that it is investigating potential claims against the board of directors of Double-Take Software, Inc. (“Double-Take” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ:DBTK) related to the Company’s agreement to be acquired by Vision Solutions, Inc. The proposed transaction is valued at approximately $242 million.

Under the terms of the definitive merger agreement entered into by the parties, Double-Take stockholders will receive $10.55 in cash for each share of Double-Take common stock they hold. The transaction is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2010. The investigation concerns possible breaches of fiduciary duty and other violations of law related to approval of the transaction by Double-Take’s board of directors.

If you own shares of Double-Take Software, Inc., if you have information or would like to learn more about these claims, or if you wish to discuss these matters or have any questions concerning this announcement or your rights or interests with respect to these matters, please contact Howard G. Smith, Esquire, of Law Offices of Howard G. Smith, 3070 Bristol Pike, Suite 112, Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020 by telephone at (215) 638-4847, Toll Free at (888) 638-4847, or by email to howardsmith@howardsmithlaw.com, or visit our website at http://www.howardsmithlaw.com.

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